Moteur de recherche

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Recherche internet


Ressources humaines

Executive Placements

South Africas' leading job portal. Are you a seasoned executive looking to take your career to the next level? Or perhaps you're just starting out in the C-suite job market and want to make sure you find the right fit. Either way, navigating this competitive landscape can be daunting. Identify your ideal role, target the companies that align with your values and goals, and stand out from other ca[...]

https://www.exe... ACTIVATION DU SITE 66117



Africa New Confection

Trouvez la perfection dans chaque couture avec notre usine de confection de vêtements basée au Benin. Style, qualité et satisfaction garantie. La société travaille en étroite collaboration avec des designers talentueux, des artisans qualifiés et des fournisseurs de tissus de haute qualité pour garantir des produits finis qui répondent aux normes les plus élevées. De plus, la marque s'engage à main[...]

http://www.afri... ACTIVATION DU SITE 67693



I Get Talk

I Get Talk is a news/media firm that sources and provides news and other articles. We focus on USA, UK, Europe as well as major events happening around the world.

Our authors from three continents including Africa, ensure no major event or trend goes unreported after due verification.

Our news reporting are majorly classified into celebrity & entertainment, sports, politics & economy, crime[...]

https://igettal... ACTIVATION DU SITE 65326


other category

Social Media Platform for Africa - LaaWin

LaaWin is the platform for Winning Prizes by Afrocentric Youth based on Quiz & Social things for African people. The platform gives opportunities to Learn History of Africa & Win quiz rewards for Africans. Win amazing cash and material prizes as rewards for successful participation in quizzes up to NGN30,000 daily. Browse through our library for interesting contents published at intervals daily, a[...]

https://https:/... ACTIVATION DU SITE 62868


other category

Winning Prizes by Afrocentric Youth

LaaWin is the platform for Winning Prizes by Afrocentric Youth based on Quiz & Social things for African people. The platform gives opportunities to Learn History of Africa & Win quiz rewards for Africans. LaaWin is an educational and social engagement platform that encourages young Africans to learn and share African History, Culture and Values, through an inbuilt reward system. LaaWin is African[...]

https://https:/... ACTIVATION DU SITE 62825


other category

Culture Values of Africans

LaaWin is the platform for Winning Prizes by Afrocentric Youth based on Quiz & Social things for African people. The platform gives opportunities to Learn History of Africa & Win quiz rewards for Africans. Win cool cash and other prizes every day while learning and sharing the true African story in an engaging and connected ecosystem-LAAWIN
LaaWin is an educational and social engagement platform[...]

https://https:/... ACTIVATION DU SITE 62831



Africa Kenya and Tanzania safari tours

Being a leading East Africa safari tour operator, we specialize in personalized and flexible safaris in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Our tailored and customizable safari itineraries are bookable with a short notice.
We are firmly commitment towards responsible travel, eco-tourism and deliberately created something different from other investors in the industry. Our safaris & tours reflect the deep[...]

https://www.den... ACTIVATION DU SITE 65898


Tour opérateur

Africa Adventure Vacations

Africa Adventure Vacations is an Inbound Tours and Travel company based in Uganda offering safaris of all sorts to Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya. We have got Highly professional and trained guides who are so passionate about wildlife and are ready and willing to meet all our clients’ needs and expectations. We drive you in a 4WD car with enough leg room, Air conditioned with Open roof, maki[...]

http://bwindigo... ACTIVATION DU SITE 60779

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Les résultats du moteur de recherche affichent la fiche des sites web inscrits dans les pages de l'annuaire.

Pour chaque requête, l'affichage des résultats obéit à certaines règles : les recherches portent sur les titres des sites, sur leur description, leur url et bien sûr, sur les mots-clés saisis lors de l'inscription.

Côté classement, sont placés en tête des résultats les sites sponsorisés avec logo, puis les sites sponsorisés sans logo, suivis des sites internet avec logo. Viennent ensuite les sites web "normaux", puis les sites web en attente d'acceptation.