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Recherche internet


Formation en langue

Cork English College

Cork English College is a familial English language school situated in Cork City Centre, Ireland. We provide quality English courses to adults and juniors students from all the World. General, Business, Teacher training, Evening course, Exam preparation, Summer programme... we have a course for all the ages and the levels. We organise the course, transfers to and from the airport, accommodation an[...]


Moteurs de recherche

Moteur de recherche pour trouver rapidement des sites web en rapport avec la Suisse et ses cantons.

Swiss search engine including a directory using ODP categories on Switzerland in English, German, French and Italian.



Numilog - ebook store provides a vast range of eBooks in English, in French and in Spanish. User-friendly and updating, enters the digital age by distributing ideas, knowledge, history and tales in eBook form. Literature, science, arts and practical books are readable on computer, netbook and e-Reader. Enjoy the pleasure to read your favorite books everywhere at anytime ! Numilog is the digital[...]



Forever Living Products International

Forever Living Products is all you need for health and personal care. All have the main ingredient Aloe Vera. For 40 years now the only supplier for these amazing products. These are not available in stores.
The products consists from supplements for children to products for professional sporters.
You can change the language from Dutch to English. So it is approachable for all. We deliver worl[...]



Lv consulting, advogado

L&V Consulting oferece aos seus Clientes a sua experiençia atravès um acompanhamento personalizado de modo a implementar em Angola as empresas estrangeiras. O nosso escritorio pode trabalhar com clientes de dimensão, natureza e cultura diferentes. O nosso objectivo é estabelecer com os nossos clientes relações duradouras baseiadas na confiança mutua.

LV Consulting est disponible égal[...]



Paradise paintball - paintball en région parisienne

Situé à 30 minutes de Paris, en Seine-et-Marne (77) à Mareuil-lès-Meaux, et accessible en transports en commun par navette, Paradise Paintball vous propose des formules location adaptées à votre rythme et à votre niveau, à partir de 12 ans, pour vous défouler en pleine nature. Ouvert tous les jours à partir de 10h et jusqu'au crépuscule sur réservation. Détail des formules, tarifs et réservation e[...]


Séjours linguistiques

Séjours my English Family

Votre enfant désire ardemment apprendre l’anglais, mais vous savez qu’il ne pourra pas exceller dans son apprentissage en étant dans votre environnement. Afin de lui donner plus de chance pour atteindre son objectif, vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution adéquate. Vous pouvez donc faire recours à my English Family. Cet organisme propose des séjours linguistiques dans des familles anglaises en Fr[...]


Séjours linguistiques

Language in Group - english language schools

Language in Group est une école de langue qui permet d'accéder à des séjours linguistiques en Irlande et au Royaume-Uni. Riche de plus de 40 années d'expérience dans l'enseignement de l'anglais, Language in Group est la combinaison de trois écoles de langue situées à Dublin, Londres et Totnes. Avec des programmes adaptés à tous les profils, Language in Group propose ainsi à chacune et chacun de tr[...]


Séjours linguistiques

AES - séjours linguistiques aux Usa

Présent à Nice en Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, AES, spécialiste de vos études aux USA, vous permet de donner à vos études une dimension internationale, pour augmenter vos chances de réussite professionnelle ! Regardez nos programmes de séjours linguistiques, USA, Ucla, Los Angeles, Californie... même sans le bac ! L'anglais courant associé à des séjours linguistiques aux USA représente une expérien[...]



Spasmo fest

Spasmo Fest is an international festival for horror and thriller movies from all around the wolrd,Join the Spasmo Fest and send your movie to our festival, You can win a dvd distribution by Spasmo Video, we accept horror and underground movies with english subtitles, no matter if your is a movie with budget or without budget, the most important thing is that is a good movie! We accept splatter, ho[...] ACTIVATION DU SITE 61630


Arts exhibition


Collectibulldogs is the worlds first bulldog memorabilia antiques and Collectibles Museum online it’s the first website of its kind to showcase a private English bulldog collection straight out of the UK for the whole world to sae witness over 5000 English bulldog collectables in this amazing showcase of a website with over 500 articles guest appearances and our own endorsement professional boxer[...]

https://www.col... ACTIVATION DU SITE 64333


Agence événementielle

CTH Events Paris

Your events are organized by professionals who have a good knowledge of the region, who offer you a wide choice of providers and you have at your disposal an experienced and attentive team.
The main activity of CTH Events Paris is the planning of events, weddings, corporate events, bachelor parties, engagements, renewal of vows, proposals, birthdays, intimate dinners, visits and celebrations in F[...]

http://www.wedd... ACTIVATION DU SITE 59806



Talvan´s international real estate agency Paris

Talvan’s international is a new generation web real estate agency. Our services allow you to reach a large
audience and carry out your project in the best conditions thanks to support from A to Z. Our use of technology
as well as our partners and our international clientele allow us to stand out. Everything is done in 3 languages
minimum, when possible we take professional photos and make video[...]

http://talvans.... ACTIVATION DU SITE 61943


Ressources humaines

Kokai Business Coaching and Consulting

I serve my clients as an online business coach, offering private business coaching.

I work both in English and Hungarian. You work for a corporate but would not trust your boss sharing your concerns about your position. You feel stucked with your team, or struggle with reaching your sales team goals, experience that ‘”things are not moving forward” and you’ve tried everything but failed.[...]

https://www.kok... ACTIVATION DU SITE 64762


Formation en langue

East West Languages: English, Dutch and Japanese Lesson

We fill the need of students to study and practice English, Dutch and Japanese. All lessons are based upon well known and successful study materials (from Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Meriam Webster, MacMillan Publishers).
Courses.Lessons are arranged paying particular attention to the students’ interests, English usage, ability, ages and professional background.
Many o[...]

https://eastwes... ACTIVATION DU SITE 62750


Formation en langue

Learn Chinese Online | Chinese Characters & Language

Learn Chinese Language Online @CCHATTY with

1, Free Learning Video
2, Free Learning PDF Textbook
3, Learning Community
4, Articles about Chinese Culture and Chinese Language
5, 1-on-1 Skype courses with the professional native teachers in 21 fields (Comprehensive Chinese, Business Chinese, Sports Chinese, HSK, BCT, TSC, HSKK... )

Our native professional teachers will help you learn Chine[...]

https://www.cch... ACTIVATION DU SITE 56796


Formation en langue

Learn English in a Homestay

Learn English in a Homestay is one of our most popular programmes where we cater for the full range of English Language tuition from beginners through to specialised exam or Business English. Our team of highly qualified and experienced teachers are ready and able to deliver quality homestay English teaching programmes on a One to One, Two to One, or even a whole family basis if required in locati[...]

https://www.lea... ACTIVATION DU SITE 56754


Formation en langue

Artículos Académicos del Cuaderno de Maiky

This is a spanish blog created for academic purposes. This blog can be traslated into english or any language the reader wants to. You are going to find academic articles supported by APA style 7 style, in the blog you will finds articles about culture and technology. The articles include audios for those peaople who want to read and listen to the information at the same time. Join us, you will s[...]

https://maikyos... ACTIVATION DU SITE 67365



Pinkcity royals Jaipur Rajasthan Jaipur Business Portal

Pinkcity Royals is an online guide about jaipur pinkcity, through pink city royals you can find Tourist place jaipur, Pink City telephone numbers, Pink city map, jaipur map, jaipur professions details, jaipur education, and movie in jaipur, pictures of jaipur.
Pinkcity Royals, Pink city jaipur, Why jaipur is pink city, About Pink City, jaipur Tour, Travels jaipur, Jaipur tourist places, Tourist A[...]

http://https://... ACTIVATION DU SITE 63893



Chirurgien du genou à Bordeaux

Le Docteur est spécialiste de la hanche, du genou, du pied et du rachis. Il exerçe à Bordeaux. Il a également conçu ce site internet pour donner des informations médicales fiables et claires sur les maladies les plus communes touchants les os et articulations du membre inférieur et de la colonne vertébrale.

Le site contient différentes rubriques abordant une maladie particulière. Une dernière r[...]

http://www.chir... ACTIVATION DU SITE 52062

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Pour chaque requête, l'affichage des résultats obéit à certaines règles : les recherches portent sur les titres des sites, sur leur description, leur url et bien sûr, sur les mots-clés saisis lors de l'inscription.

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