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Concept Airnature - greenhouses, farms, irrigation system

Present on the market in the Balkans for over 10 years, Concept Airnature has a vast experience. Our staff speaks english, french, and romanian. Our partners are known on the european and international market as of the best in this area. After our experience gained in the domestic market, our company opened its doors to the european market. We are able to offer products and services of the highest[...]


Recette de cuisine

WannabeTVchef blog

Kevin Anthony Ashton has cooked for over 30 years around the world for the rich and famous. Chef Ashton began writing a recipe column by invitation of the Sunday Mercury, which he did for 5 years. From there he branched out into writing food articles for newspapers and magazines on both sides of the Atlantic. Wanting to share his passion for food with a larger audience Kevin decided to write a foo[...]



247 Electric

At 247 Electric we know it can be very frustrating when your home electrics stop working, that is why we offer a fast electrical emergency call out service.

We have a team of highly professional electricians that can be at your property within an hour of your phone call day or night.

Having over 30 years of experience in the electrical industry there is not much we can not fix. We can help[...]


Peintre en bâtiment


If you have to do a painting assignment, you should choose a painting company that emphasizes quality and aesthetics. We go a long way to ensuring you the best result through dialogue and cooperation.

We have over 18 years of experience in the painting profession and reach the whole of Copenhagen and the surrounding area.

We advise thoroughly and competently on color and material selection b[...]


Dépannage auto

10-4 TOW Plano

10-4 Tow comes to the city of Plano, Texas, with our second branch ever outside the state of California. Bringing our high-quality services to our Texas drivers who seek towing solutions. We are here for our customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We boast over fifteen years of experience in the towing industry to help customers find the best towing experts in their area. After originally laun[...]


Dépannage auto

Towing and roadside assistance services in San Rafael

10-4 Tow offers a wide range of towing and roadside assistance services in San Rafael. We cover any roadside emergency situation you may find yourself in. Our tow truck operators work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Give us a call for emergency assistance and we’ll give you a price estimate over the phone. We always offer affordable prices for our excellent services. We also provide a free car do[...]




A. Villadsen was founded more than 60 years ago by bricklayer Alfred Villadsen.

Today, the company is owned by Michael Szelak and Mikkel Henriksen, who together with a staff of well-educated and experienced bricklayers solve both large and small tasks, especially for business and the public, but also private customers, around Roskilde and Copenhagen.

A. Villadsen A / S has supplied professio[...]


Agence immobilière

Sell your land online - NoAgentProperty

No Agent Property, aimed at helping you sell your land privately in Australia. They provide practical and effective tools to sell a land online without the need for real estate agents, which can save you thousands in commission. This online service covers various property types from residential land to vast rural acreages. When you sell your land through this platform, your listing enjoys exposure[...]



James Dawson Entreprises

We are equipped to take on your unique packaging project.

Founded in 1975, James Dawson Enterprises Ltd. is a leader in the packaging market providing unique, cost-effective solutions to today's complex packaging problems. With offices in New York State, Montreal and Toronto we can better serve our international customer base, including many of the world's best known corporations.

Our custom[...]



Slipring for industry

Label SAS design and manufacturing of electrical slip rings. Originally specialized to manufacture miniature slip rings for aeronautics, the company has acquired a know-how over the years in mid size slip rings (robotic, food industry, medical, wind turbines, nuclear, spatial, textile industry…) and large slip rings (off shore, petroleum, cranes…). We make standard and customized models, rings and[...]


Agence de communication

Conseils et astuces pour sa stratégie de communication

Rencontrez-vous des difficultés pour la mise en place de votre stratégie digitale ? Ou, recherchez-vous des conseils pour le lancement d'un nouveau produit ? Si oui, optez simplement pour le site

Mieux communiquer représente aujourd'hui un atout essentiel pour se démarquer de ses concurrents. À cet effet, la présente plateforme propose des conseils et astuces[...]


Communication par l'objet

Ricochet - impression d'objets publicitaires

La société Ricochet est spécialisée dans la fourniture et l'impression de gadgets publicitaires, à l'attention des agences de publicité par l'objet, de tous les professionnels et associations, collectivités, qui souhaitent distribuer des cadeaux d'affaires, de parrainage, de fidélisation, des cadeaux de fin d'année etc. Nous vous conseillons sur le support de communication adapté à votre budget, p[...]


Voix off

Delphine cabirol - comédienne voix off

Voix off féminine, Delphine Cabirol interprète vos textes en parlant, ou en chantant. Tour à tour tonique et enjouée, envoutante, caressante, rassurante.. Elle travaille au doigt et à la voix ! Versatile, elle intervient aussi bien dans la pub que dans le corporate, le docu, la téléphonie, le voice over, les livres audio, et les habillages d’antenne radio parlés ou chantés, etc. Son home studio p[...]


Voix off

Jessica Quillet - voix off

Jessica Quillet, comédienne voix-off française, vous fournit une large palette d'interprétations et de tons différents, tantôt sensuels, naturels, institutionnels..., en corrélation avec les exigences de vos projets audiovisuels, quelque soit le support (Publicités, bande-annonce, institutionnel, etc.). Possédant son propre home studio et son propre espace en ligne, elle répond à toutes les questi[...]


Voix off

French Female Voiceover

Are you in search of a French professional voice actress for your audiovisual project? Let me introduce you to Justine Petitjean, a talented voice-over artist who has been recording her voice for various projects since 2019.

Whether it's for audioguides, trailers, billboards, radio shows, documentaries, e-learning, applications, corporate films, audiobook or magazine recordings, internet promot[...]


Voix off

Delphine en Voix Off

Ajustez votre sonotone, Ouvrez bien grandes vos esgourdes... Voici une Voix Off multi-design sonore... toutes les palettes émotionnelles pour vos créations ! Possédant son propre studio et son matériel son HD, Delphine vous propose soit de travailler en prêt à diffuser, soit de venir dans vos propres locaux pour les projets de grande envergure. De la radio, à la télévision en passant par les docum[...]


Voix off

Vero belmont - voix off féminine

Vero Belmont, une voix off féminine rassurante, souriante, jeune, tonique mais aussi posée et institutionnelle. Une voix pour vos documentaires, les publicités, vos films d'entreprise, le e-learning, la téléphonie, la radio ou la webradio. Je dispose d'un Home Studio sur Paris et je me déplace bien sûr sur Paris et sa région. Livraison en Wav ou Mp3. Je peux facturer et je vous propose des moyens[...]


Voix off

Sylvain maury - voix-off

SYLVAIN MAURY comédien voix-off depuis près de 20 ans au service de la voix et ce, dans des domaines variés : spots pub radio, télé, documentaires, narration, voice-over, audiotels, bandes-annonce, jingles, voix cartoons... Ecoutez sur ce site des dizaines de voix de SYLVAIN MAURY. Possibilité d'enregistrement en home studio.


Voix off

Voix off féminine pro

Ce site est destiné à tous ceux qui recherchent une voix off féminine pour tout support audio, que se soit du documentaire, de la pub, du voice over, de la bande annonce, de l'institutionnel ou du serveur vocal. Différents extraits dans chacunes de ces catégories sont à l'écoute et téléchargeables. Des videos montrent le travail d'interpréte en doublage. Un extrait de prison break par exemple et[...]



Intercoms of Farfisa serie

Aci-Farfisa is a famous italian manufacturer of the electronic products, mainly familiar in the field of telecommunication, video intercoms and cctv. It has been exporting its goods for many years to nearly seventy countries all over the world. Alarm-service company is one of the official distributors of Farfisa products. To explore new possibilites and gain new clients we created an online store,[...]

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