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Recherche internet


Formation en langue

CLE - study french in France

Study French in Tours, Loire Valley, known for its Renaissance chateaux and purity of its French. Tours a city of 135.000 inhabitants, one hour from Paris by TGV. Intensive French courses in very small groups. Maximum 7 students per class, average 4. Homestay, apartments or hotel. Open all year round. Minimum age 18. Excursions and evening outs. One to one tuition, preparation to DELF and DALF.


Formation en langue

Séjour Linguistique en Provence

You are going to learn French ? Welcome to Séjour Linguistique en Provence. Study french language thanks to linguistic and cultural immersion. Based near Avignon, our school is human-sized, to a stay suitabled to each student needs. We offers you a high Quality of learning, in French language, in a unique Provençal environment. Based on your age, your level of french, your first language and your[...]


Formation en langue

Cork English College

Cork English College is a familial English language school situated in Cork City Centre, Ireland. We provide quality English courses to adults and juniors students from all the World. General, Business, Teacher training, Evening course, Exam preparation, Summer programme... we have a course for all the ages and the levels. We organise the course, transfers to and from the airport, accommodation an[...]



Data recovery software

Best Range of Data Recovery Software and File Recovery tool to recover deleted files & lost data from windows, novell, linux, macintosh hard disk. Quick Recovery provides complete solution of data recovery, file recovery, partiton recovery, email recovery and disk recovery tools.



Central Illustration Agency

Recensement et compilation de très nombreux books de haute qualité. Images, montages, illustrations et animations sont au programme pour le plaisir des yeux.

Established in 1983, The Central Illustration Agency represents around 50 of the World's most prolific illustrators, typographers, designers and animators.




Trouvez ici plus de 52000 logos commerciaux, administratifs et associatifs, des polices de caractère, des symboles et pictogrammes, des drapeaux, cartes géographiques, emblèmes et armoiries au format vectoriel Illustrator. Trouvez aussi des filtres, plugins, outils, actions et accessoires pour Photoshop.

Find more than 52000 trademark, associative, governmental, adm[...]


Graphiste freelance

Visuel Designer

Be in tune with others... Translate an idea... Bring out a project... Since more than 3 years, Visuel Designer works with passion to creat visual by using typography, colors, graphic, pictures, video, animation and music. Visuel Designer offers different services to help company and private individual to make the right choice to their communication. Need to attract your customers, want to promote[...]


Graphiste freelance

Guillaume vialaneix

I'm a CG Artist and this website is my online portfolio. You will find a gallery of my personnal work both in 2D and 3D. I am planning to write some "Making of's" for those like me who like to constantly learn new techniques and tips. My services are also available for freelance work so feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Thanks for your visit



Image de synthèse

Imag'in'ere - studio de création graphique 3D

Imag'in'ere est un studio de création graphique 3D, situé à Dausse, dans le Lot-et-Garonne. Vous trouverez sur notre site web, un aperçu de nos réalisations en images et animations, adaptées à de nombreux domaines professionnels, notamment le patrimoine et l'architecture. Vous trouverez des images d'architecture, comprenant des concours, des images pour les dépôts de permis, des images photo-réali[...]



Validator w3

This is the W3C Markup Validation Service, a free service that checks Web documents in formats like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.

Voici un site capital pour tous ceux qui possèdent un site web. Des millions de webmasters ignorent que le langage qu'ils utilisent pour construire leurs pages web, évolue. Les pages de vos sit[...]



Flying cow design

Flying Cow Design offers custom web design and development services in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento in California.


Blog et site perso

Informations sur le crédit, l'investissement et la finance

Bon nombre de Français ont recours au crédit immobilier pour acheter ou rénover leur maison. Mais, les institutions bancaires exigent des demandeurs de ce prêt une assurance emprunteur. Ce dernier vise à protéger les 2 parties. Au cas où le client décéderait ou deviendrait invalide et ne serait plus en mesure de rembourser son crédit, cette couverture s’en occupe à sa place. Mais avant d’y souscri[...]


Conception de sites web

Cosmoservice - creazione siti web Roma

Realizzazione siti web aggiornabili CMS, creazione siti web con certificazione W3C, siti web per cellulari, posizionamento nei motori di ricerca, campagne Pay per Click. Creazione Siti Web Roma. Creazione siti web a Roma e Provincia a prezzi vantaggiosi, siti professionali Xhtml con studio grafico personalizzato. Prezzi Economici. La nostra strutturazione interna ed il costante aggiornamento tecno[...]


Conception de sites web

Webmekanics - web design company

Webmekanics is a young and vibrant web design company based in Rawalpindi, Pakistan with a team of skilled professionals including software engineers, designers and marketers, offering state of the art internet based solutions for all your professional online needs including but not limited to responsive websites, reliable and secure web applications for your business, visually stunning graphic de[...]


Hébergement web


It is a company focused on the Internet technology industry. Operating since 2015, NetcroHosting Technology and Innovation in professional dedicated servers tailored to your needs, is a provider of web hosting services, domain registration, VPS, dedicated servers, colocation, SSL certificate; always providing the best customer service and with a quick response time for each application. It is a 10[...]



Prawny Clipart Cartoons and Vintage Illustrations

Specializing in cartoon clipart and stock illustrations by the artist known as Prawny as well as offering a selection of black and white vintage images. Also available in our almost free category are a growing stock of bargain basement clip art for those on a tight budget.

Our galleries makes browsing images easy as you can choose what category you are looking for such as animals, holidays, ic[...]




Stock photography, Alamy Images, Royalty free RF images and licenced from the best picture agencies and photographers in the world.

Gros stock d'images libres de droits ou sous licence pour tous vos besoins.


Gif animé clipart diaporama


Pedro is a wordpress blog that references the best animated gifs on the Internet. The site put ourselves in the shoes of a young Spanish boy named Pedro and post the gifs all day. We are trying to upload between 2-10 gifs per day. Users can share, submit, and evaluate them. This is an entertainment site which is mainly for people who are 15 and 35. The idea is that you can visit every morning to s[...]



International SEO services

There are many variables to consider when optimizing a website for local search engines. When optimizing for foreign search engines you need experts who understand the language and cultural differences which are intrinsic to the success of an international SEO campaign. At Strategic Internet Consulting we understand those differences as we have a wealth of experience in devising and implementing s[...]



E-net Business - booster votre visibilité

E-net Business vous accompagne dans le développement de votre stratégie e-marketing. La société, à la faveur de près de quinze années d'expérience dans le domaine de l'internet, propose différents services vous permettant de développer une stratégie sur internet de qualité. Dans un premier temps, les collaborateurs d'E-net Business vous aident dans la création de votre plateforme internet. Selon v[...]

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Les résultats du moteur de recherche affichent la fiche des sites web inscrits dans les pages de l'annuaire.

Pour chaque requête, l'affichage des résultats obéit à certaines règles : les recherches portent sur les titres des sites, sur leur description, leur url et bien sûr, sur les mots-clés saisis lors de l'inscription.

Côté classement, sont placés en tête des résultats les sites sponsorisés avec logo, puis les sites sponsorisés sans logo, suivis des sites internet avec logo. Viennent ensuite les sites web "normaux", puis les sites web en attente d'acceptation.