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Recherche internet


Instrument de musique

Bergerault presents in English and German version his full range of professional, educational percussions and orchestra furniture. Marimbas, Glockenspiels, Xylophones, Vibraphones, Chimes, Concert Bass Drums, Snare Drums and more, all our instruments are design and made in our workshop at Ligueil, France since 1932. Bergerault also developed a complete line of instruments expecially for teache[...]


Instrument de musique

Violon cello alto vente

We are selling old bow instruments like violin viola and cello from XIX century and older all ready to play for professional players, and also student french and german instruments from the begining of 1900 at very competitive price, several old french bow and modern one are also in stock, we are placed in Switzerland near Lugano.


Paroles de chansons

Risa song lyrics archive

Risa song lyrics archive to find song lyrics. Browse song lyrics by artist and title.

A la recherche des paroles de vos chansons préférées, voici un site qui ravira le plus grand nombre. Madonna, REM, Youssou N'dour, Seal, Tina Turner, Bonnie Tyler, Nirvana, Alphaville, Abba... Vous connaissez le nom d'un chanteur ou d'un groupe, ou le titre d'une chanson, retrouvez[...]



Scottish art

Scottish art : Artists painting gallery with oil paintings of Scottish landscape and castles.Contemporary original Art from Scotland for sale and to buy online.



Grant Wood studio

Grant Wood's home and studio was located at 5 Turner Alley in Cedar Rapids, Iowa from 1924 to 1934. Sponsored by the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, this website features historic information and photos of the studio.

Présentation des studios du peintre américain Grant Wood (1892-1942) connu pour ses peintures du Middle West rural américain et son célèbre tableau 'Ameri[...]


Artiste peintre

Nick Cowling - painter of watercolours and acrylics

As a contemporary artist living in the city, I am constantly drawn to nature, the landscape and the sea. This may seem a paradox but one I hope can be understood through my painting.

My painting is about being aware of time, place and the landscape, being outside, being there !
By time, I mean of course time of day and time of year whether midday or midnight, midwinter or midsummer.

One is[...]


Artiste peintre

Garmash artists

Mikhail and Inessa Garmash, husband and wife team, romantic impressionists.

Site très sobre pour un couple d'artistes peintres d'un immense talent, Mikhail et Inessa Garmash, dont les tableaux d'inspiration romantique nous transportent à l'époque des grands peintres romantiques des siècles passés. Une technique maitrisée au service de scènes pleines de douceur et de romantisme, laissant lar[...]


Artiste peintre

The art of ange and orlane

Le site The Art of Ange and Orlane (Orlando Guillen) expose les oeuvres des artistes peintres Ange et Orlane. Ange est une graphiste de talent qui peint depuis l'âge de 15 ans qui expose dans de nombreuses manifestations. Son univers pictural rejoint le surréalisme. Orlane est le premier illustrateur européen de pin up, connu pour ses collaborations avec le milieu de la mode dans les années 90. So[...]


Artiste peintre

Jean-Christophe Lecomte artiste peintre et sculpteur en Isère

Jcenligne est un portfolio artistique qui présente les créations de Jean-Christophe Lecomte, peintre et sculpteur de la région grenobloise, installé sur le plateau du Vercors, à Lans en Vercors. Ce site propose également une boutique de vente en ligne des oeuvres de l'artiste, ainsi qu'une rubrique actualité relatant les derniers événements artistiques de l'auteur. L'interface du site est bilingue[...]


Artiste peintre

Paintings by Philippe Conrad

This web site presents all the paintings sold all over the world in their environments (yachts clubs, hotels, houses, on board yachts, etc.). Those paintings are bought by ship lovers, decorators,etc. The links in the first page permits to go on others sites that presents another themes of paintings like portraits, animal paintings, automobiles, landscapes, seascapes, etc. because Philippe Conrad[...]



Travel Earth Photography

This site presents a collection of photographs taken from some of the most beautiful travel destinations. Most of these pictures are landscapes, cityscapes, nature, scenic, people and wildlife pictures. At present, more than 600 images on the following locations are featured (I have more than 5000 images in stock) : Tibet, Chile, Argentina, Namibia, Galapagos, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal,[...]



Caroline dumont photo

My website shows my work as an amateur photographer. You will find pictures of landscapes or portraits. I did this website to have professional advices on my work. I think the quality of what I do is not bad, but not perfect yet so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I use a small handed camera. This is totally fine with me but I correct the contrast and colors later on because they are not[...]



Jérome Pouysegu photographe à Toulouse

Installé en France à Toulouse, Jérôme Pouysegu est un photographe de la vie urbaine et de la vie sauvage, de l'actualité généraliste aux évènements extraordinaires. Il réalise des prises de vues de plateau pour le cinéma, ainsi que des reportages sur demande dans le monde entier.

Urban and Wildlife photographer, from general photo news reports to special events and cinema stage shots, Jerome[...]




Antichambre24 is a photography agency. We represent some of Paris' top photographers, stylists, hair and make-up artists, retouching specialists, illustrators, as well as a number of locations and casting resources.



Corps et ame

Body and soul ? The website of a french young woman photographer who take nude self portrait, but also take pics of human and urban strange landscapes... Questions ? Looks ? Photographic moods ? Who is really "I" ? Who is Pauline? "qui est je" ? Pauline, une jeune femme originaire de paris, photographe mais parfois également modèle, qui va d'autoportraits sombres en graines de[...]



Forma foto

Forma è il Centro Internazionale di Fotografia di Milano con mostre, incontri, didattica e collezionismo.

FORMA aims to be the house of photography, a place where the public can watch exhibitions, buy collectors’ prints and photography books, attend workshops and photography classes. FORMA is strategically located in the heart of Milan, in Piazza Tito Lucrezio Caro,[...]



Alina glasova photographer

Alina Glasova Photography (Saint Petersburg, Russia). Gallery (art-photo), portfolio (working photographs), photo travels. Analog and digital photography.
Keywords : photography, Russia, portfolio, photographs, photo, travel, portrait, reporting, still-life, report, exhibition, analog, digital, film.


Photo de mariage

Meszarovits photographe

Photographe mariage. Je propose un travail d'auteur pour votre mariage. Loin des poses et des portraits figés, je capture dans mes photographies toute l'intensité de cette journée unique que je suis en reporter d'images. Le costume qui attend, la robe qui se noue, des mains qui se frôlent... Mon regard traque avec sensibilité et pertinence tous ces instants qui nourrissent cette journée inoubliab[...]


Photo de mariage

Photographe à Bruxelles

Brussels freelance photographer. Discover my commercial and personal work.

Portfolio du photographe Paviani, photographe professionnel belge, basé à Bruxelles. Vous y trouverez mon book de photos de mariage, mes photos d'événements, corporate event et mes travaux personnels. Contacter moi et confiez moi les photos de votre mariage, vos reportages... partout en Belgi[...]


Photo de mode

F.germond photographer

Frédéric Germond is a professional fashion and beauty photographer for over twenty years. He has worked in France as well as abroad, where his work is recognized. His universe is the glamorous beauty and sensuality, clothes ready to wear and haute couture, fashion accessories, advertisements, magazines. His book of beauty "Looks" is published by PC editions. The french touch creativity[...]

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