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Recherche internet


Nettoyage, l'entreprise de nettoyage spécialisée à Bruxelles

Pour le compte de votre société, vous recherchez à Bruxelles une entreprise spécialisée dans le nettoyage et l'entretien de matériel informatique ? vous propose ses services. En effet, il s'agit d'une entreprise qui a fait de l'entretien de matériel informatique, de data center et de cabine de haute tension sa spécialité. Elle offre ses services partout en Belgique, et ce, depuis 1991.[...]



Computer readers

Varionet readers are essential computer reading glasses allowing to see clearly from 30 cm to 1 meter. Varionet glasses are intended for the presbyopes who require precision and comfort in near and mid-distance vision.
Varionet is particularly adapted to correct prebyopia and alleviate computer vision syndrome or CVS. Our Varionet computer glasses are equipped with innovative mid-distance multifo[...]



Intercoms of Farfisa serie

Aci-Farfisa is a famous italian manufacturer of the electronic products, mainly familiar in the field of telecommunication, video intercoms and cctv. It has been exporting its goods for many years to nearly seventy countries all over the world. Alarm-service company is one of the official distributors of Farfisa products. To explore new possibilites and gain new clients we created an online store,[...]



Crystal Security Group - surveillance and security services

Do you need Professional Security Services, 24 Hours Alarm Response, Surveillance/ CCTV Crystal Security Group can provide you with the best security services. Our security guard are Professional and well-trained to nationally recognised standards, with a strong team focus, geared towards providing safety and protection. We are the best when it comes to Surveillance, Mine site security, Surveillan[...]


Services aux entreprises

Europ Elec Audiovisuel

Vous recherchez un partenaire IT capable de vous aider à assurer sur le plan de la communication audiovisuelle. Dans ce cas, vous devez vous fier à votre entreprise de communication installée à Lyon. Disposant d'une expérience assez rare dans le domaine, Europ Elec Audiovisuel est sans doute l'un des partenaires les plus fiables que vous pouvez trouver.

Elle propose une palette de service des p[...]


Ressources humaines

Alhambra International - recruitment agency

ALHAMBRA INTERNATIONAL is a specialist of International tailored recruitments, Head Hunting, direct approach, skills assessment and recruitment optimization with offices in Europe and a partner in Middle East. Our core strength is timely search and identification, accurate qualification process and quick match business/candidates. ALHAMBRA INTERNATIONAL operates recruitments in these areas : Digit[...]


Ressources humaines

Next Rekruttering

Next rekruttering er et af de mest respekterede rekrutteringsbuerauer i Danmar. Bureauet finder ledere og direktører til en række forskellige brancher og industrier. Skal du eksempelvis bruge en CFO, økonomidirektør eller finansdirektør sørger vi gerne for at finde den rigtige kandidat til jobbet. Vi rekrutter både til lager, industri og logistik men har også en del kunder i transportsektoren. Vi[...]


Cabinet de recrutement

Factoriel : Cabinet de recrutement

Ce site offre des informations sur le cabinet de recrutement spécialisé en IT, Digital et Data. Grâce à sa rubrique « à propos », cette plateforme présente les différentes stratégies mises en place par le cabinet pour recruter pour ses clients les meilleurs talents IT.
Dans la rubrique « entreprise », vous retrouverez tous les arguments pertinents qui font du cabinet fact[...]



Betranslated - agence de traduction

BeTranslated est une agence de traduction innovante qui propose des prestations de traduction dans les principales langues européennes et surtout entre l'anglais et le français. Notre bureau de traduction est spécialisé en informatique, IT, tourisme, économie et nouvelles technologies. Créée en 2002, l'agence peut compter sur une base de données de 20000 traducteurs professionnels, accessibles 24/[...]


Services financiers

Virtuse Exchange

Virtuse Exchange is a singapore-based crypto-commodity platform that allows customers in more than 100 countries to exchange cryptos and commodities.

It enables access to the most attractive financial assets by creating an open ecosystem which allows crypto-traders to tap into global investment opportunities across markets like commodities and investment funds.

Virtuse Exchange is an incre[...]



Bank & it luxembourg

Bank&it Luxembourg est un blog amateur s'adressant aux professionnels de l'informatique bancaire, qui diffuse des articles traitant de sujets purement luxembourgeois, bien que certains puissent être utiles aux lecteurs d'autres pays. 100% gratuit, certains articles traitent de swift, de gestion des systèmes d'information, de technologies, de T2S, de fonds d'investissements (sicav, opcvm), d'emploi[...]



Groupe Helis

Vous recherchez un cabinet-conseil spécialisé en Telecom ? Le Groupe helis saura répondre favorablement à vos attentes. C'est un cabinet-conseil opérant dans l'infrastructure IT, la Télécommunication, l'E-commerce, le Cloud Computing, ou encore la Data Science.
Véritable référence en termes de métier et IT, ce cabinet-conseil saura vous offrir une prestation XXL. Aussi, il intervient dans plusieu[...]



Telindus Luxembourg

Strengthened by its position as Luxembourg market leader in network, security and Information System services, Telindus has the experience and abilities required to manage the largest of projects and the most complex of companies. Furthermore, with the scope of its range of services and its wealth of expertise, Telindus can assist its customers in all stages of their projects, from strategic, orga[...]



Book a Taxi to Airport - Paris, France

How wonderful Paris can be if you don't have to worry and look for a bus from the airport or order a taxi directly from it on the spot, but request a car from AtoB in advance. AtoB Transfer Service will introduce you to the most beautiful attractions from the airport to our client's stopover location from the first steps in the country of romance, croissants, and coffee.
Our responsible drivers[...]



Convoyage de véhicules

Située à Langon en Bretagne, Drive-it est une entreprise spécialisée dans le convoyage automobile, la livraison et le rapatriement de voitures et d'utilitaires légers par la route avec chauffeurs, apportant des solutions adaptées aux particuliers comme aux professionnels. Nous convoyons, livrons et rapatrions vos véhicules partout en Europe dans un délai de 24 à 48H. Nos prestations sont sécurisée[...]



French Riviera Together Tours

Riviera Together Tours is based in Nice on the French Riviera. We offer different services. Our professional bilingual guides will take you for excursions of one day or half day. With a luxury mini-van WV air conditioned, you will discover the Côte D'azur and its region. We also do Shore excursions from your port of call (Nice, Villefranche sur Mer, Monaco and Cannes). We have over 10 years experi[...]



Polar teddy bear bebe mat

A useful innovation :

The polar teddy bear BEBE-MATIC is neither a gadget nor a toy.

It has been designed in conformity with the European standards and regulations and it has been given a justified welcome by Health care professionals.

Its design is both pleasant and functional.

Mobile and compact it can be harmoniously integrated in each room planned for baby.

The rocking movemen[...]



University of Al-Qadisiyah

The University of Al-Qadisiyah is an Iraqi university established in 1987 in Al Diwaniyah, Qadisiyah Province, Iraq.

It was established on the 23rd of December, 1987 through a resolution (no. 159) passed by the Revolutionary Command Council of the Saddam era. The resolution ordered the establishment of four universities : the University of Al-Qadisiyah, the University of Kufa, the University of[...]


Formation en langue

Learn French Together

Learn French Together is a website where you will find content about the French language. We know that learning a foreign language can be difficult.The goal is to make your French learning process easier and funnier. To do that, we give you hacks to speed up your French learning process based on our experience of learning a foreign language.
You will also find content on French vocabulary and Fre[...]


Formation en langue

Learn french in france with France Langue

France Langue is a french language school which provides to its international students general French (per week/term), specialised French, Au Pair Courses, French company internships, and even preparation for the exams (DALF, TCF...). France Langue helps its students to improve their french thanks to these differents and various program, but also its accomodations (in families, hotels, apart hotel[...]

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