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Recherche internet

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Library of congress

The Library of Congress. The Library of Congress is the nation´s oldest federal cultural institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with more than 120 million items. The collections include books, sound recordings, motion pictures, photographs, maps, and manuscripts.

Installée à Washington et fondée en 18[...]



Tate britain

Located in London, Tate Britain is the national gallery of British art. The Collection comprises the national collection of British art from the year 1500 to the present day, and international modern art.

L'ancienne Tate Gallery de Londres, rebaptisé Tate Britain est le musée londonnien qui rassemble la plus grande collection d'art britannique au monde sur 500 ans d[...]



National gallery

The National Gallery, London, houses one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world. These pictures belong to the public and entrance to see them is free.

La National Gallery de Londres abrite une des plus belles collections au monde de tableaux de maîtres d’Europe occidentale. Profitez du site pour découvrir le contenu des collections du musée ai[...]



Detroit historical museum

At the Detroit Historical Museum, visitors can enjoy a host of permanent and temporary exhibits that will help deepen their understanding of our region’s rich history. Visitors young and old can walk back in time, to the cobblestone streets of 1840s Detroit, take the ship’s helm in the S.S. William Clay Ford Pilot House, or watch a live 'body drop' in front of an authentic assembly line.



Cincinnati art museum

The Cincinnati Art Museum features an unparalleled art collection of more than 60,000 works spanning 6,000 years (costume and textiles, prints, drawings, photographs, painting, sculpture, decorative art, contemporary art...) In addition to displaying its own broad collection, the Art Museum also hosts several national and international traveling exhibitions each year. Visitors can enjoy the exhibi[...]



Musée du Louvre

En parlant de lui, on dit souvent qu'il est tout simplement le plus beau musée du monde. Venez visiter virtuellement le musée du Louvre à Paris, et venez admirer les oeuvres des plus grands maitres, sculpteurs et artistes de tous les temps. Soyez aussi informés des expositions en cours ou permanentes. Consultez enfin les archives du musée... Une version en langue anglaise est disponible. Ouvert to[...]



Sef´ine Lingerie


Sef'ine Lingerie is specialized in nylon stockings, CERVIN, GERBE, FIORE and GIO brands, considered in the field of the french and british lingerie, basques, corsets, girdles, as well as fashion accessoiries for women.

Sef'ine Lingerie Online shop of fine lingerie

Nylon stockings FF, Nylon stockings RHT, T[...]



Ronald reagan building

The Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center in Washington DC, officially dedicated on May 5, 1998, offers excellent conference and convention centers, banquet rooms and wedding sites for Washington DC events. ITC is a premium venue for international trade, conventions and conferences.

Inauguré en mai 1998, le Ronald Reagan Building est un complexe qui pe[...]



Group Williams

Group Williams is a leading company that deals with the cleaning of bank stained notes. We have the team of professionals who are well-versed with the knowledge of chemicals and know its appropriate usage. Our company is capable of removing stains from any kind of currency making it look new.

You can find a wide array of chemicals used in today's modern world here. Not jus[...]


Enseignement supérieur

University of manitoba

Located in the city of Winnipeg (Canada), the University of Manitoba offers the largest selection of degree programs, including professional and graduate programs, of any university in the province.


Enseignement supérieur

Berkeley - university of California

University of California, Berkeley home page. Berkeley is the oldest of the UC campuses and serves as the flagship of California's public university system. Rich in traditions, such as a commitment to civil rights and liberties, the campus's history continues to be written as new generations of students pass through its hallowed gates.


Jeux vidéos

America's army

America's Army, the Official U.S. Army Game (AA), provides young Americans with a virtual web-based environment in which they can explore Army career opportunities within an entertaining setting that is tailored to their interests and aptitudes.
Jeu de guerre multi-joueur de type FPS, développé par l'Armée américaine depuis 2002 et mis à jour régulièrement grâce à[...]



Patrick macnee

Patrick Macnee est né à Londres en Angleterre, le 6 février 1922. Acteur britannique, il est connu pour ses apparitions à la télévision dans la série Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir où il incarne le rôle de John Steed. On le retrouve également en 1975 dans un épisode de Columbo au côté de Peter Falk.

Learn more about this actor who is known throughout the world for hi[...]



Moppet dolls - small handcrafted fabric art doll for dollhouse

Looking for a great gift idea ? Love real quality handmade art ? Want to make a unique present ?
Moppet Dolls - shop who create Small handcrafted fabric dolls to treasure, to play in your 1/12 scale dollhouses, to decorate, collectable, customizable, to give as a unique gift and to treat yourself.

These quality creations are unique in their One Of A Kind genres or a few pieces that will each h[...]



Truman capote - biography

A biography on the life of Truman Capote (1924-1984), author and general gadabout who is famous for writing In Cold Blood and Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Biographie en anglais de Truman Capote, écrivain et romancier américain, auteur en 1958 de Petit déjeuner chez Tiffany, et de De sang-froid, en 1966.



Differentiation of cancer cells

Various chemical and biochemical differentiation compounds have been shown to revert to normal state several kinds of cancer cells. As embryonic and cancer cells present similarities of behavior and phenotype and as regulatory factors in young embryos have been found, a treatment of cancer cells by embryo cell extracts could be possible.

These factors were prepared from rat and mouse embryonic[...]


Ciel et espace

Space telescope

The european homepage for the Nasa / Esa Hubble space telescope. The Hubble Space Telescope is a collaboration between ESA and NASA. It is a long-term, space-based observatory. In many ways Hubble has revolutionised modern astronomy, by not only being an efficient tool for making new discoveries, but also by driving astronomical research in general.
Fruit de la collabor[...]




L'Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord (OTAN) est une alliance de 26 pays d'Amérique du Nord et d'Europe dont le rôle fondamental est de sauvegarder la liberté et la sécurité de tous ses membres par des moyens politiques et militaires. Dans ses nouvelles missions, l'Alliance tente d'amener la stabilité en Afghanistan, d'aider l'Iraq dans sa reconstruction, de protéger contre le terrorisme e[...]


Relations et réseaux sociaux


A new way to share with Goodiies ! A different concept : You will say "Another social network, there are already full, what will they tell me this time for me to believe that it is different from others ?" My goal here, as a user of Goodiies, is not to make you believe, but rather to convince you that Goodiies offers a new way to share your desires, your thoughts, your photos, your passi[...]




Voyance pure médiumnité flash rêves prémonitoires claire audience chirologie chiromancie cristallomancie hydromancie interprétation de tarots, yi-king, numérologie géomancie passé présent avenir amour santé famille travail. Services de bien-être : soins anti-stress, insomnies, timidité tensions musculaires douleurs chroniques ou psychosomatiques reprendre confiance en soi acceptation et drainage d[...]

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Pour chaque requête, l'affichage des résultats obéit à certaines règles : les recherches portent sur les titres des sites, sur leur description, leur url et bien sûr, sur les mots-clés saisis lors de l'inscription.

Côté classement, sont placés en tête des résultats les sites sponsorisés avec logo, puis les sites sponsorisés sans logo, suivis des sites internet avec logo. Viennent ensuite les sites web "normaux", puis les sites web en attente d'acceptation.